
At Faces to the Sun Consulting Inc., our vision is to honour and amplify the sacred teachings, Indigenous ways of being, and ways of knowing that have been passed down through generations. We are dedicated to working with agencies to meet their needs from our Indigenous perspectives with consultants situated across country, from different communities. We are also always willing and excited to collaborate with new consultants and partners to ensure cultural responsivity and meet the needs of those we are working with. By ensuring this responsivity we aim to always be prepared to meet those we work with where they are at, some standard offerings we have to exemplify this are: cultural workshops, providing on-the-land learning opportunities, and traditional knowledge experiences.

Through our work, we aim to empower Indigenous communities to reclaim and assert land sovereignty while promoting mental health and wellness. We strive to create a future where Indigenous peoples have full control over their food sovereignty, ensuring the revitalization and preservation of traditional practices. Moreover, we are committed to addressing the urgent issue of climate change and combating environmental racism.

Recognizing the importance of joy, liberation, and holistic well-being, we embrace the principles of pleasure activism. We believe that positive change can be achieved by centering joy, celebration, and healing in our work. By integrating pleasure activism into our services, we foster environments that nurture self-expression, creativity, and cultural revitalization.

Our vision is to serve as a bridge between Indigenous wisdom and contemporary challenges, inspiring positive change and promoting harmony with the Earth. We envision a world where Indigenous knowledge is recognized, valued, and integrated into all aspects of society. With respect, integrity, and inclusivity as our guiding principles, we aspire to be leaders in fostering resilience, justice, and sustainability for present and future generations.

Together, let us face the sun, embrace our heritage, and forge a path towards a more equitable, just, and balanced world, embracing pleasure activism as a transformative force for collective healing and empowerment.