Circle of Expertise

At Faces to the Sun Consulting Inc., our diverse and talented team has experience and knowledge in many areas and is ready to support multiple projects.

Areas of lived experience and knowledge among our team

Land and Food Sovereignty

For us, sovereignty of land and food starts with community empowerment. When working on these issues, community engagement is key and community members being decision makers is built into our processes. We turn to traditional ways of knowing and being, working with Elders and Knowledge Keepers/Holders of all ages to ensure humility with all beings when engaging in land-based learnings and practice.

Indigenous Health and Wellness

By understanding the unique social determinants of health and wellness that Indigenous communities face we aim to close these gaps and work towards equitable spaces for health and mental wellness in communities. This begins by working with communities and building relationships. As all of our work is interconnected, we prioritize land-based healing as well as culturally responsive approaches for all the spaces we work within when it comes to closing these gaps. Health and wellness begin with community access to culture and programming, and sovereignty over how these are accessed is necessary. With devastating statistics on Indigenous health and wellness, we also aim to pivot approach from suicide prevention to life promotion.

Cultural Responsivity and Education

As a primarily Indigenous agency we recognize that too often, Indigenous communities are approached with a “pan-Indigenous” approach which removes cultural understanding and thus is not responsive to community needs. Our primary goals are to support cultural preservation and revitalization, to encourage language revitalization across the country and to work on education from a community based perspective as well as with an advocate and allyship lens. We aim to support solidarity in other Black and racialized communities so that we can be as one, in a circle.

Social Justice, Rights, and Advocacy

Faces to the Sun Consulting Inc. is dedicated to working towards equitable spaces of engagement by and for Indigenous peoples across Turtle Island. We understand that this begins with decolonizing approach, but also Indigenzing approach, and we do this by creating and taking space in situations where Indigenous voices have historically been ignored. We also work in spaces of education for those who are looking to be allies and advocates for Indigenous communities by way of workshops, teach-ins, and sharing circles. We hope to take one step further than decolonial mindset, and truly work with a Two-Eyed Seeing approach, by Indigenizing spaces of typically Western ideologies.